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Westchester Connecticut Luncheon Series
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When: Thursday, May 10, 2018
Where: Hyatt Regency Greenwich
1800 E Putnam Street
Greenwich, Connecticut  06870
United States
Contact: IFA USA

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The Westchester County, NY/Connecticut Region's  Fall/Winter/Spring 2017-2018 Luncheon Series which will consist of nine meetings held at the elegant Hyatt Regency Greenwich, directions attached, from 12 Noon to 2 PM beginning on October 5th  and then continuing on the second Thursday of each month.  Thus, the dates are: October 5, 2017, November 9, 2017, December 14, 2017, January 11, 2018, February 8, 2018, March 6, 2018, April 12, 2018, May 10, 2018, and June 14, 2018.

We would like your input on future topics, so please your preferences for the following topics/presentations or please suggest any other to Keith Richey, Regional Vice President:

•           European Court of Justice cases involving U.S. multinationals

•           Section 987 developments

•           BEPS OECD

•           New PE standards in India, Thailand, India, Indonesia, etc.

•           UK registration update (called the UK "persons of significant control" or "PSC").

•           Grecian Magnesite Mining  which held that a non-U.S. person's capital gain on the sale of an interest in a partnership that is engaged in a U.S. trade or business is not generally subject to U.S. federal income tax.

•           Mexican tax developments

The cost is only $450 for the entire 2017-2018 Luncheon Series including membership in the prestigious International Fiscal Association (a $225 value).   If you are already a member of IFA, the cost is $250.  If you don’t wish to join IFA, the cost to attend all nine luncheon meetings is $350. The cost for attending individual meetings is $50.  A Registration/Invoice is attached.  It is worth noting that if you pay for the entire session and cannot attend a luncheon, you can have a colleague attend in your place at no additional charge.

At each meeting we will have a technical presentation on a tax topic of current interest and review recent events.  A three course lunch will be served.  Participants will be entitled to CPE and CLE credits.  We are not currently registered with the IRS Tax Return Preparer CE program as attorneys and CPAs in good standing are exempt. 

Each meeting also offers you an excellent opportunity to make contacts and stay abreast of all the latest international tax developments (attached is a list of recent presentations).  We urge you to join now, come to every meeting to expand your network and technical expertise, and take advantage of our low fees.

Contact Us

2604 Elmwood Avenue #347

Rochester, NY 14618

Telephone: 866-298-9464

Fax: 866-303-0626


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